In a time when the quality of life (if not life itself) is put at risk by an infinite number of factors (stress, accidents, environmental pollution), we believe that personal and collective safety and safeguarding of the environment are central to every activity. We believe that a rafting descent, a horseback ride, a moment of refreshment, a trekking route by mountain bike or on foot, can all be opportunities to reflect on how you can have fun, relax or refresh yourself in safety, for others and for the environment that is hosting us. This safety-related aspect, which may seem trivial or out of place and which is very often put in the background or relegated to mere bureaucratic practice to be carried out, starts from the belief that any recreational or receptive sport activity can be an opportunity to learn and understand information that can make the difference in safeguarding the individual, the community and the environment: a prepared naturalistic guide can transmit in the right place and at the right time concepts that, if taught in another place and time (a school classroom etc.) probably would not have the same effectiveness; likewise a rafting guide can teach, during a river descent, between laughter and enjoyment of the natural landscape, the basic safety rules to be able to have fun in different aquatic environments (rivers, lakes, sea) in a fun and informal way, but extremely effectively.
We care about you